Mountain Faith Mission has relied upon the generosity of Christ followers since the beginning. What makes MFM unique is that there is no overhead costs to our organization. Outside of the Turner families, there are zero employees of Mountain Faith Mission. There is no rent, salaries, or other traditional costs that go into MFM. In fact, all directors and board members of MFM are 100% volunteer and always pay out-of-pocket for any trips and visits to work with Mountain Faith Mission. We are proud that 100% of the donations given to Mountain Faith Mission stay in Mountain Faith Mission.

Join us as we make an impact in Haiti!
Rest assured, your gift is impacting Haiti 100%.
Giving Options
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
With numerous ministries that MFM oversees, we know that sometimes a specific cause will interest someone. We hope that you will consider investing in one of the many ways that you can be involved with MFM.
Give a One-Time Gift or Donate Monthly
With our secure, online platform, you can rest assured that your donations are safe. You can give a one-time gift, or set a recurring gift to Mountain Faith Mission.
Where to Give
Multiple Ministries to Support
We understand that God has given each of us interests and desires to see HIs Kingdom built. We invite you to give to a specific ministry in which God has tugged your heart strings. Do you have a passion for children? Widows? Pastors? You can give specifically to those ministries.
Easy Giving Online
Through our secure online giving module, you can be assured that your donation arrives promptly so it can be distributed directly to Haiti.
With check
Prefer to give with a written check? That’s easy! Simply send your donation to:
Mountain Faith Mission
PO Box 433
Sparta, TN 38583
On the memo line, write your ministry you’d like to designate to. If you just want to give to the mission to support all ministries, just leave the memo line blank.
Give Online
Do you like the convenience of giving online? Through our secure giving platform, you can donate easily to Mountain Faith Mission and any of her specific ministries.
Use this link to be taken directly to our online giving platform.